Pritam Travel Go Biography: This 25 years old boy have a dream to travel the whole world

Pritam Travel Go Biography: Who knows after how many births we get in this life, if we do not do anything great in this human life then we should feel regret later, so in order to not regret, everyone should have some big or small aspirations in their life.

We should keep doing and work hard to fulfil the same and satisfy ourselves with that, but today we are going to talk about a golden boy who has spent half his life only in helping the needy people, those who want to know about different hidden places all over India. 

Pritam Swain, whom people fondly called as Linku, known for his significant youtube journey on how to actually live life and fulfil his own dreams as well as the dreams of others. Pritam has a big dream to turn the dreams of others into reality. But it is not as easy as everyone thinks, because, if it was easy then a successful person tag would have been placed before everyone’s name. 

So, Today in this blog post we are going to discuss Pritam Travel Go Biography, which is run by a 25 years old boy named Pritam Swain from Odisha. So, let’s get started. 

Pritam Travel Go Biography – Full Details 

Full Name – Pritam swain 

Also Known As – Pritam / Linku

Age – 25

Wife – Unmarried 

Net Worth – !!!

Family – Father, Mother & Sister 

Date of Birth – 15/01/1998

Height – 5′ 6″

Occupation – Job/ Youtuber 

Education – Engineering 

School and College Names – Ideal School of Engineering, Bhubaneswar 

Place of Birth – Kendrapara 

Father Name – Pabitra Swain 

Mother Name – Sunita Swain 

House Address – Pentha, Kendrapara 

Mission – Wants to be Creative Travel Vlogger 

Pritam Travel Go Biography – Who is Pritam Swain? 

Pritam Swain aka Pritam travelgo is a creative travel vlogger of odisha, who shares some mysterious things about a place and how someone reaches those places with less money through his vlogging.

Pritam Swain is the only son of Mr. Pabitra Swain and Mrs. Sunita Swain, who was born on 15th January, 1998 in a small village of kendrapara district called Pentha. Since his childhood, he has loved to visit different places, but when he came to know that people go to different places and make videos and upload them on Youtube as it rewarded some handy money, then Pritam started his Youtube journey as a Vlogger. 

Pritam Travel Go Biography
Source : Instagram

Pritam went to different places and started shooting videos and uploading them on Youtube. Due to the good response from the audiences, Pritam runs his youtube channel smoothly till now and became a well known social media personality over a period.

Pritam Travel Go Biography – Struggle Story 

Before doing any big work, we should be aware of both the positive side and negative side of the same work, when our audience asks us about travel vlogging, then we describe the positive side of travel vlogging, but when it comes to the negative side, it’s something which everyone can’t handle that pressure. 

Being a vlogger, Pritam explained that, “There are a lot of problems and travelling is not so easy. I am also facing many problems like Scams and Robberies. By doing all this I was able to reach this far today. The rest is God’s grace.”

Pritam Travel Go Biography – Best Videos

  • Last Indian village mana (ଭାରତର ଶେଷ ଗାଁ ମନ)
  • Badrinath Yatra (ଶ୍ରୀ ବଦ୍ରିନାଥ ଧାମ ଯାତ୍ରା)
  • How to Travel Allahabad (ପ୍ରୟାଗ୍ରଜ୍)
  • Sri Kedarnath Dham (କେଦାରନାଥ ଯାତ୍ରା)
  • Bagheswar Dham Yatra (ବାଗେଶ୍ୱର୍ ଧାମ ଯାତ୍ରା)


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Pritam Swain
Pritam Swain
8 months ago

Thank you so much.

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